Mathematical functions allow you to perform a variety of operations on number values in your scripts. Here are some of the most commonly used math functions:
intResult = Abs(intNumber)
The Abs function takes a number and returns its absolute value.
intResult = Exp(intNumber)
The Exp function takes a numeric value and returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
intResult = Hex(intNumber)
The Hex function returns a string value containing the value of an argument converted to hexadecimal format. If the argument is a fractional value, it is rounded to the nearest whole number before the function returns the string.
intResult = Int(intNumber)
The Int function returns the whole number portion of a numeric argument. If the argument is a negative value, it returns the first integer value that is less than or equal to the argument.
intResult = Fix(intNumber)
The Fix function returns the whole number portion of a numeric argument. If the argument is a negative value, it returns the first integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument.
intResult = Rnd[(switch)]
The Rnd function returns a random number. Switch indicates how the random number will be determined. If switch is a positive number, the next random number in the sequence should be returned. Before calling this function, you should initialize it by using the Randomize statement.
intResult = Sgn(intNumber)
The Sgn function returns a numeric vale representing the sign of a number argument. It returns 1 if the numeric value is > 0, 0 if = 0, and -1 if < 0.
intResult = Sqr(intNumber)
The Sqr function returns the square root of a numeric argument.
intResult = Sin(intNumber)
The Sin function returns the sine of an angle.
intResult = Tan(intNumber)
The Tan function returns the tangent of an angle.