Ever wanted to display random tips or quotes on your website? Well, you are in luck. This little bit a code will display a random tip every time the browser is refreshed.
To do this, create a database called MyData and a table called tblRandomTips with these fields:
fID – autonumber
fTip – text field or memo field depending on how long your tips are
Then, start adding some helpful tips to your database. Many websites also use a script like this to display customer testimonials, terms and definitions, trivia, etc.
Next, create a page called /RandomText.asp and copy the below code into your page:
DIM mySQL, objRS
mySQL = "SELECT MAX(fID) AS MaxTip FROM tblContent_Quick_Tips"
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open mySQL, objConn
DIM intRecord
intRecord = Int(objRS("MaxTip") * Rnd + 1)
Set objRS = Nothing
mySQL2 = "SELECT fTip FROM tblContent_Quick_Tips WHERE fID = '" & intRecord & "'"
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open mySQL2, objConn
Response.Write objRS2("fText")
Set objRS2 = Nothing
All done. Just publish your page and database and click refresh on your browser. Each time you refresh, a random tip will be displayed.